Shimmer, Sparkle, Shine is Officially Blog Worthy!

The Shimmer, Sparkle, Shine Project is very excited to start our blog! Our goal with this blog is to keep you up to date on all of our projects, discuss personal experiences, share sparkle worthy articles, and give tips to help enhance your ability to Shimmer Sparkle and Shine! For those of you who may have stumbled across our blog or don't know what we do, the Shimmer Sparkle Shine Project organizes workshops, for girls ages 8-13, that focus on raising their awareness of their self-worth. 

We do this in 2 ways. The first being the creation of a boost books. Boost books are to be used like a journal, with the intent of being looked at and returned too, when one is feeling down about themselves.The boost book also serves as a "passport" to our 5 stations. Our workshops are the primary way, we currently engage with our young women. The girls rotate though 5 stations, which we believe to be the "5 Keys of Self-Esteem." These 5 keys are Healthy Personality, Healthy Living, Comfort in Your Own Skin, Good Friends vs. Bad Friend, and Making Your Mark. Each station includes a group discussion about one particular key, as well as some type of activity to further emphasize the principles we are teaching. These activities vary from service projects, to crafts, to basic techniques of relaxation. At the end of each station, each participant receives a handout to be glued in their boost book to be used as a reminder of what they learned. As the blog continues, we hope to share more details about these keys with you. 

If you have any experiences you would like to share, noteworthy articles, or just a fun confidence tip, please email us at For daily Shimmer, Sparkle, Shine Project updates, feel free to follow us on our various social Medias:



We look forward to blogging with you. In the meantime, embrace what makes you Shimmer, Sparkle, and Shine!

SSS Team
