How To Have Confidence Like A Boss

Guest Contributor: Kisha Smiley 

Navigating your way through school, puberty, social media, and relationships with others can be stressful to say the least. At this age it can seem as if everyone has an opinion about what you “should” do with your life. Some will in fact have your best interest at heart, but be leery of those who will try to take advantage of you due to your age. 

You must be able to read through the intentions of others as well as keep your eyes open at all times. Observe the actions of others and stay aware of your surroundings. Having confidence in yourself and understanding your worth are two sure ways to help navigate your relationships with others. 

As you experience the ebbs and flows of life and learn from the lessons at hand, you’ll be able to grow with each passing day. Without confidence, you won't ever be able to recognize your worth, and in turn your self-esteem will never have the opportunity to flourish in the way that it should.

Your self-worth will reflect your self-esteem and confidence. When your confidence is low you may feel unworthy of good things coming your way. When your confidence is low, you’ll feel too shy to speak up to others about the way they are treating you, or talking about you. 

When you confidence is high, you’ll have no problem standing up for yourself. In turn, how you view yourself and how you let others treat you is a direct reflection of your worth.  Don’t allow your peers to use nor take advantage of you yet claim to be your “friends.” Remember, actions don’t lie. 

Ask yourself “What do I value, what means a lot to me?” It could be family, education, sports, or being healthy. It could also be love, loyalty, religion, and honesty.  In a nutshell these are things you keep at the forefront of your mind and in your heart. These are things that make up who you are as a person. Although you are changing everyday and figuring out new things about yourself, never forget who you are.

There’s beauty in being different. Have confidence in your unique ways, have confidence in those moments of standing out, and have confidence in being different.  Do not compare yourself to others because it’s a sure way to create low self-esteem. Comparisons will always leave you feeling terrible and empty on the inside. Get comfortable with your looks, body, personality, talents, abilities, and accomplishments.

Fall in love with yourself first. Practice self-love in the same way you would show it to someone else.  People often find it easy to love others, but difficult to love themselves. When you love yourself unconditionally, your self-esteem is sure to improve.

Remember, “Always hold yourself in high esteem.”
