A Boost Book Is a Self-Esteem Journal

Hey Sparklers!
Summer is quickly approaching which is always an exciting time for us here at the Shimmer Sparkle Shine Project! We are getting some workshops on the calendar, which is awesome! I wanted to talk about a new weekly series we are posting on social media; every Thursday we will be posting a new Boost Book prompt, so you can work on your Boost Book at home!

You might be wondering, what is a Boost Book? A Boost Book is a self-esteem journal where sparklers can put photos, quotes, memories, and anything else that reminds them to shimmer, sparkle and shine! During our workshops, the girls are allotted time to work on their Boost Book at the beginning of the workshop and are given handouts to insert in their Boost Book they go through each station's activities.  Sparklers take their Boost Books home, with our hope being they continue to work on them and refer to them when they need a reminder on how amazing they are. 

Our hope with posting weekly prompt ideas is to encourage sparklers to make their own Boost Book, or to encourage those who have taken one of our workshops to keep adding to it. This past week we posted the following prompt: Write ten things you love about yourself to remind you of your inner beauty every time you feel down. I thought for this week’s blog post it would be fun to do the prompt. 

1.       My ability to accept all different kinds of people with different backgrounds and personalities
2.       My nerdy sense of humor
3.       My willingness to help those around me
4.       Inheriting my mother’s excellent gift giving skills
5.       My work ethic
6.       How I am good at keeping in touch with people
7.       My ability to openly talk my struggles and emotions because I feel like that helps relate more to those around me and potentially help those who are going through some similar to what I have
8.       My creativity
9.       The passion I have for wanting to help girls’ realize their self-worth
10.   My ability to be bold and sometimes uncensored

I hope that this summer you take the time to either add to your boost book or make one! Boost Books are such a great tool and I hope everyone takes the time to create one. If you do make one please email us some photos! We would love to see them!!

With Love,
Ciara Ann
