Girl Meets World...Maya Finding Herself

This blog post came from feeling inspired after watching an episode of Girl Meets World on Netflix. Yes I am 22 and watch that show, but it makes me feel nostalgic of my childhood with Boy Meets World. haha. This episode was all about Maya finding herself again because she had lost who she was, but luckily she had an amazing best friend to help her find herself again and remind her of who she truly is.

We all have those moments where we forget who we are, and I think it happens a few times in our life. Sometimes these periods last longer than others, but it happens. Luckily I feel like most find themselves again. This idea of forgetting who you are, is part of the reason why we have 2 of our 5 keys; Comfort in Your Own Skin and Good Friends Vs. Bad Friends. 

Comfort in Your Own Skin
Sometimes people forget who they are because they are not comfortable in their own skin, but let’s join together and change that! Just like Riley kept saying to Maya in Girl Meets World, “The world already has a Riley, it needs a Maya too. The world needs a Riley and a Maya.” The same is true for each one of us! The world needs one of you, just like it needs one of me!! I want to encourage all of our sparklers to make a list of why the world needs one of them! Here is my personal list for some ideas:
·         The world needs someone who is loving of all different kinds of people
·         The world needs someone who get excited about history
·         The world needs someone who goes out of their way to help a friend
·         The world needs someone who finds humor in the smallest and dumbest things
·         The world needs someone who is passionate about making a change
·         The world needs someone who is sensitive to the feelings and desires of those around them
·         The world needs someone who isn’t afraid to turn the world into what they need it to be

Good Friends Vs Bad Friends
During this past SWAD I posted a video being honest about my most recent struggle with self-worth and I think in a way I had lost who I was. Luckily that is one of my many times where my friends helped me get back on course to remind me of who I was. If I just look back on just that struggle, I realize I have SO MANY people who love me and want me to be Ciara, because they love who Ciara is. Many friends from home were checking on me and reminding me how great I am. I am thankful for the daily text from people like Marissa and Brandi doing just that and making sure that Ciara was becoming Ciara again. I am thankful for my college friends who let me cry and vent to them.

I am thankful for my cousins for letting me hide at their place, being there ASAP at any weak moment, and for doing any ridiculous request I made in order to help contribute to making me feel better or distract me. I am thankful for my best friend sending me such a heartfelt text in a moment where I didn’t want to be Ciara anymore. 

In those moments where you feel good and like yourself, work on finding and maintaining your friendships that will be there when you forget who you. Sometimes those who love us know us better than we know ourselves and can guide us back to being the best version of ourselves. That is what a true friend is, and Riley did just that for Maya in this Girl Meets World Episode.

As I have mentioned, it is normal to lose yourself every now and then, but what matters is that you find yourself again. Work on being comfortable in your own skin and on figuring out who your good and bad friends are so when you do stray away from your true self, you can find yourself again. When you exit out of this blog post I hope you make your list of why the world needs one of you!
With Love,
Ciara Ann
