How Much LOVE Do You Truly Have?

A lot is going on in the world right now and as part of an organization who deals with girls and women of all ages, it's hard not to sit back and ponder the kind of impression we are making on the world, especially with the young sparklers in our workshops. If one looks beyond the titles our our stations "Making Your Mark", "Good Friends vs Bad Friends", "Personality", "Healthy Living", and "Comfort In Your Own Skin" it all comes down to acceptance and LOVE.

In Making Your Mark we ask you to take what you love and what you are good at and use it in a positive way. Each of us has different talents and different thing that make us tick, we must love and support those talents. Sparklers, those different passions are what makes the world go around.

In Good Friends vs Bad Friends we talk about expectations from our friends and how "friends"  should lift us and make us feel good about who we are. We talk about distancing ourselves from those that bring negativity into our lives. We focus on how acceptance and LOVE should make us feel positive about our self-esteem and not the other way around.

In the Personality station we talk about different personality traits and how to identify the traits we want to portray in ourselves and what traits we want in other women around us. Does a difference in personality make someone bad or just "different".  Understanding this in middle school can be critical in so many ways.

In Healthy Living we focus on mental health. We teach tools that empower us as individuals to ACT and REACT positively. Both are crucial in the physical and mental health of our youth.

Last is my favorite... Comfort in Your Own Skin. Above all else, we want our sparklers and our volunteers to feel empowered by knowing that it's okay to be YOU! Regardless of the media, regardless of the expectations set by Hollywood or the music industry, embrace your inner beauty. It doesn't matter how "skinny or fat" you are, how tall or short you are, how light or dark your skin is, how straight or curly your hair is, how clear or broken out your complexion is, how sporty or nerdy you's okay to be UNIQUE and REAL. It's even more impactful when you LOVE everyone else for their own differences.

These are all necessary lessons for our youth, but what can we learn from these same lessons as adult WOMEN? How much LOVE do you show when you are choosing how to make your mark? How much LOVE do you show to the good friends in your life and when is it time to part ways with those that no longer make you feel good about yourself? How much LOVE do you give to those that cross your path on a daily basis, but are very different then you? Do you respect those differences? Do you react with LOVE or ACT in anger more than you would like? Do you take the time necessary to fill your mind and heart with the SELF-LOVE needed to sustain your mental health? What action can you take today to LOVE yourself more?
