Old You vs New You

Hi Sparklers,

I'm here today to share another mom moment. That's right..It's my blog post, but I'm going to write about my daughter Ciara. Yesterday Ciara attended a Christmas concert on her college campus with her best friend. She sent me a photo of her all dolled up and the two of them looked beautiful. 

Several hours went by and right at bedtime I received another photo with the following message...

"Last Christmas concert 2 years ago compared to now"

Immediately I knew this wasn't just a simple comparison of them growing up and how they've changed, it was a comparison of her weight and her outlook of herself. Right away, I felt the need to respond and address the intent of this photo. My response: "You both look cute either way. I love the old Ciara too...just sayin". Ciara: "Aww...I needed to hear that. Thank You!"  Me: "Well it's true...you might feel better on the outside, but the inside is just the same." And in Ciara fashion..she then told me I had been watching to many Hallmark movies obviously. And that sparklers, is why I love my child!

As her mom, I want her to know that regardless of what she looks like on the outside, it's still the same 15 year girl who started this Shimmer, Sparkle, Shine journey and has helped so many girls. It's the same girl who has a passion for history and works very, very hard in school. It's the same girl who is an amazing friend to so many. Her body may weigh less and her clothes size may be smaller, but her heart is still as big as it was 2 years ago. (Oh and her head is just as big as it always was too..wink..wink)

I get it..it's hard to go back and look at photos from your past when you look as you wanted to look and didn't feel like you wanted to feel. My whole life has consisted of scale fluctuations. I've had a lot of UPS and DOWNS on that scale. Sometimes I want my photo taken and some times I don't. Being a scrapbooker makes that even more challenging. Looking through my scrapbooks is a wild ride. I never know how big I'll look as I turn the page. With that said...there are only a handful of photos that I find cringe worthy. I taught my child to scrapbook the good and the "bad". All those moments, regardless of what my scale says, are my life. I can't go back and change what was, I can only embrace my past, learn from those moments, and make choices in the here and now.

Sparklers, our beauty is built from the inside out. Weighing less on the scale might expand your wardrobe and will definitely make your body feel and function better, but don't cringe at your past self. If you must forgive yourself, then do that, but don't live with regret or wish for things that were not.

Love you all,
aka: Sparkler Mom
