Fake It Till You Make It!

Each day during the Sparklers Ignite campaign, I was blessed to read the responses given as I posted them to the SSSP Facebook page. The answers to "Self-Worth Means To Me..." varied as much as the young girls and woman that participated. As much as we love the sparklers who did participate, we want to send love to those who chose not to participate. This question is not an easy question to answer and I understand that. As I asked the woman around me to participate, I was greeted with hesitance over and over.  Some woman didn't want their photo taken. Some woman devalued their own self-worth immediately. Others had to think about it and get back with me. Some of those woman who "had to think about it" went out of their comfort zone and agreed, others did not. Ultimately, my love for those woman grew in those moments. Ever hear the term "Fake it till you make it"? When I asked those woman, it wasn't because I'm confident with my self worth completely, it was because I really do feel, as woman, we need to stop, be honest and ponder where we truly stand with our Self-Worth. As a 46 year old woman, I've been at the bottom of the self-worth pole and I've been at the top. Much of the time my internal value didn't match up with my external value and vice-versa. That's where this list comes into play..and boy do I love list! I went through every entry in the Sparklers Ignite campaign on Instagram and Facebook and compiled this amazing list from answers given by our sparklers. I challenge each of you to copy and print this list, so when you are having a rough time and questioning your own worth, for WHATEVER reason, you can pull out this list and be reminded EXACTLY what real self-worth can be defined as. The effects of positive self talk can be strong. Somewhere in this list has to be something you can grasp on to...something that can jolt a spark. If all else fails pick one and Fake it Till You Make It! If you feed the brain these positive messages, it can reward you in an amazing way. Love you all, Michelle

  • Not being concerned about what other people think
  • Just being yourself
  • Love yourself despite your flaws
  • Loving yourself with or without makeup
  • Knowing I have something of value to add to the world
  • Knowing that what other kids are saying is not true
  • Being comfortable and accepting of who you are
  • Embracing your imperfections
  • Knowing and believing I have a purpose
  • I am important and God has a plan for me
  • Knowing when to put yourself first
  • That you are yourself no matter who you are around
  • Seeing the beauty you hold even when others try and tear it down
  • Courage to say goodbye to the friends who only bring you down
  • To stand unapologetic in my own truth
  • Being able to rely on yourself for love & happiness and no one else
  • Not allowing anyone to defame or make you feel used
  • Forgiving myself for my imperfections and for the times I fall short
  • Respecting yourself first no matter what shape, size or color
  • Embracing myself good, bad or ugly
  • Knowing I am much more than my circumstance
  • Knowing I deserve the best and not settling for anything less
  • Being happy and helping others
  • Means I'm pretty
  • I don't have to dress up to look pretty and cute
  • Having a great support system that embraces you for who you are
  • A person who deserves to be treated with respect
  • Honoring my emotions
  • Knowing beauty is the opposite of perfection
  • Knowing not to cut yourself short
  • Knowing my eternal purpose and my purpose on earth
  • Being able to see yourself as God sees you
  • Knowing you don't need to be “better” than anyone else
  • Knowing that you deserve a good life
  • Knowing that I matter, I am important, I deserve to treat myself well, I am important, I deserve to have good people in my life
  • Means loving the quirks that make me unique!
  • Having confidence in all the small things
  • Believing you can make your dreams come true
  • Is owning your story & sharing your Truth to give others Hope
  • Loving yourself so much it hurts
  • Excepting yourself as you are in that very moment, even as you are working and striving to be a better and stronger you
  • Knowing that beauty is beyond the face, body & outward appearance
  • Being happy with who you are whether you like to paint your nails or paddle a kayak!
  • Forgiving yourself of all the harm done to your own self over the years
  • Appreciating your own special flavor of weird no matter how the world thinks you should act
