Creativity, You Elusive Minx

How about we stop getting in our own way? by Guest Blogger Amanda Roper, Any Girl Fitness

Have you ever wanted to do something but the fear of failure ended up crippling you?
Stopped you before you even started?
I know that I have let the fear of being terrible at something stop me from taking on a wide variety of creative ventures.
Why do we do that to ourselves? We should always be our own biggest cheerleaders. Unfortunately, that's most often not the case.
I have been thinking a lot about my own personal fears and where they originate from. I know that the majority of mine started very young; I think this is true for a lot of people.

When I was younger, I had the very romantic notion that being a writer would be the most incredible (and easiest) profession ever. I would sit and write short stories in my Jemima Puddle-Duck journal for hours. I would edit and rewrite them until they were perfect, I would then read them to my sister to gain approval. I would make up outrageous stories about things that happened to this little duck. Reading them now as an adult,  I realize how much of my childhood I was writing into the stories. Simple things like playing with my dolls, to much more emotionally driven stories about how my sister didn't want to play with me (really soul crushing stuff - ha!). I had no problem sharing these stories with my family, I actually tried to share them with anyone who would listen.  It wasn't until one night when I had a sleepover with friends that my journal was read by a friend and I was made fun of. I distinctly remember being told that I was a terrible story teller. As a result of that one comment, I ended up never writing another story in that journal again.
As the years went on, that fear of being ridiculed only grew and convinced me that there was no way that I could ever be a good writer. I know this fear is not unique to me; I think we get hardwired as we grow up to believe we're going to fail at more things that we'll succeed at. This fear can generate from our parents, friends, school, the media, or all of the above.  
Until recently, I let that fear hold me back from free writing. I couldn't even think up an idea of where to begin because I would tell myself that it wasn't original enough or that my idea was stupid.
What really changed my mind was reading the book, "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert and a very simple quote.
"Ultimately, it comes down to taste". - Steve Jobs
What became crystal clear to me is that people's perception of what is good and worthwhile is relative. You can expose your soul, capture a snapshot of your heart, be completely vulnerable and there will be someone who thinks it's complete garbage. But chances are, there will be a lot of people who connect with it as well. That's the gamble you take when you're creating.
I made the decision to write and create without the fear of criticism from others and without the need to gain admiration or approval from others.  Both are equally important. Strive to create with the sole intention of doing it because it is what your soul yearns to do.
   I created this mantra to read if I ever start feeling too much pressure from myself.
"I am a creator of things.
Some things will be great.
Some things will be mediocre.
Some things will be utter crap,
and that's okay.
Some people will fall in love with what I do, others will hate it.
And that's okay.
   In the end, it all comes down to taste - and every person has a different palette’.
I promised myself that from now on I would only create things because it feels good. The idea of having my writing published really excites me still, but that cannot be the intention behind my writing. If it is, then I will forever feel the pressure to perform and not be able to create anything meaningful or original. If my writing is ever going to touch someone, it must first touch me. And it can only ever do that if I am authentic and unafraid to be really bad and really great.
I vow to be courageous enough to always press forward in my creative endeavors and only pursue outlets that set my soul on fire. I want you to promise to do this as well. I know I've used writing as my channel of expression, but that doesn't have to be what yours is. Don't put yourself in a box, explore different things and try anything that piques your interest.
So...It's up to you now, this is where you start. Take the first step in the right direction, and BEGIN.
Put that pen to paper.
That brush to canvas.
Your finger on the shutter.
It doesn't matter what medium you choose to create with; it only matters that you set your creativity in motion.
I would really like to give a 'tip of the hat' to my younger self for living in the moment and not being afraid to be a free spirit. I’m rediscovering her and she’s quite the force. My Jemima Puddle-Duck stories will never be published, but it was the starting line for the rest of my life. It gave me something to look back on and cherish. We only get one chance at this life and we must not waste it.
Take time and explore yourself. I guarantee you'll be amazed at what you uncover .


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