How can you make today Shimmer, Sparkle, Shine?

Hi Sparklers,
I wanted to keep the SSS post simple this week, so I'm going back to the basics. Just like in school, we start with small ideas and lessons and build upon them. The Shimmer, Sparkle, Shine workshops does that as well. In our workshop, we have 5 stations we use to focus on what we think are the Keys to Self-Esteem. Those stations are: Personality, Good Friends vs Bad Friends, Marking Your Mark, Comfort in Your Own Skin, and Healthy Living.

If you choose to focus on those same 5 keys, on any given day,  I guarantee your day will be become brighter. If you are having a downer kind of day and need to lift your spirits, take the challenge. If you're doing good, but really want to feel fabulous, take the challenge. So to take the challenge, here are 5 simple things you can do right now that will guarantee to make you Shimmer, Sparkle, Shine.

Personality- Do something today that brings joy to your life.
-Maybe do something with a hobby you love
-Spend some time focusing or learning more about something your passionate about
-Pick a quiet corner and finally read that book you've been putting off
-Try out a new hairdo

Good Friends vs Bad Friends- Focus on what you can do TODAY to be a better friends.
-Can you say or do something today that you know would lift a friends spirits
-Pick up the phone and just call them for 10 minutes. Let them know they are being thought of
-Reach out and make a new friend or just acknowledge someone you might not talk to normally

Marking Your Mark- Use a talent you have to help others. The smallest action can make a big impact.
-The possibilities on this challenge are endless. Everyone has something they can do; don't try and make it complicated.

Comfort In Your Own Skin- Write down 5 things you love about yourself.
-It can be a physical or mental trait
-It can be something you do well
-It can also be personal or spiritual

Healthy Living- Try and spend at least 20 minutes outside today. Spending time outside will not only help you physically, but mentally as well. Leave the earbuds and cell phones at home and really focus on enjoying the moment. Anything you do outside can be a great way to deal with stress.
-Take a walk
-Play catch or ride your bicycle
-Play with your dog
-Work in a garden or shovel some snow

Sparkles, we love you and want to help you raise your self esteem in anyway we can. Just remember, it really can start with simple action.  Love you all, Michelle

