In a
world curated by the rich and famous, it can be hard to find
genuinely good role models to look up to that aren’t corrupted. So
I’ve decided it’s about time to write about one of my absolute
favorite role models since my elementary school days. Emma Watson.
She’s most notable for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry
Potter phenomenon, but she’s done a lot of amazing acts since then.
So why is she the perfect role model not only for teens but also
young women?
- She’s a Global UN Ambassador with her own movement called HeForShe, which encourages men to join the fight for women’s rights. “I want men to take up this mantle so their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human, too and in doing so, be a more true and complete version of themselves.” Watson says.
- She graduated from Brown University with a degree in English Literature. It’s very rare to find a celebrity that takes the time in between making big time movies to go college, let alone a university like Brown!
- She speaks from her heart and gives some of the most inspiring quotes. “If you truly put your heart into what you believe in, even if it makes you vulnerable, amazing things can and will happen.” And when she was asked what makes Hermione a good role model she said “Hermione’s not scared to be clever. I think sometimes really smart girls dumb themselves down a bit, and that’s bad… I’m a bit of a feminist. I’m very competitive and challenging.”
- She wears little to no make up, almost all of the time and you never see a cover with her on it overly photo shopped.
- She encourages girls to make something of themselves in a world run by men. Last September she visited Uruguay and delivered a petition to the country’s parliament with over 4,000 signatures calling for a greater political participation rate for women.
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