To Filter or Not To Filter...

If I’m going to be completely honest, I always feel guilty putting filters on my Instagram photos. It’s almost like it’s silently frowned upon to edit your photos, which I can see why. We should be happy people want to accept natural beauty and non-edited photos, but why should it matter that I put an Instagram filter on my selfie? I think it’s important to feel comfortable in your skin (hence, why I joined Shimmer Sparkle Shine) and part of feeling comfortable in your own skin is being able to feel confident when you post a “selfie” of yourself and if that means putting a filter on it, then so what?! That is why Instagram made filters in the first place, right?

The key to feeling confident in your own skin is always putting yourself first and doing what makes you happy. I know this seems like an understatement and it’s easier said than done, and truthfully it takes a lot of practice and time. Humans have a tendency to put the ones they love first before themselves, wanting their praise first. But you have to make yourself happy too, and praise yourself. If you’re too busy worrying about everyone else and their opinions and what they’re going to think of you, you’re not saving anything for yourself. So if putting an Instagram filter on your selfie makes you happy, do it! (As long as it shimmers, sparkles, and shines of course!) And guess what else? No matter how filtered that photo is, people are still going to like your photo and think you’re flawless.

